(TL;DR version: the scans are here)
Some years ago, I picked up a Panasonic HHC, having had an interest in the small hand-held BASIC computers for a while. As it turns out, the HHC does not use basic at all, and is by default not really "open" in any way - there was a BASIC ROM available, but generally the thing was used as a specialized calculator with custom ROMs. Still, It's a cute little machine with the interesting feature of using a 6502 inside, and it came with a printer that uses regular paper, and even the internal batteries still work.
Some years ago, I picked up a Panasonic HHC, having had an interest in the small hand-held BASIC computers for a while. As it turns out, the HHC does not use basic at all, and is by default not really "open" in any way - there was a BASIC ROM available, but generally the thing was used as a specialized calculator with custom ROMs. Still, It's a cute little machine with the interesting feature of using a 6502 inside, and it came with a printer that uses regular paper, and even the internal batteries still work.
Unfortunately, my HHC is at this moment a couple of thousand kilometers away, in a box at a friend's house in Pointe-Claire, Canada. However, once I live in a place where I have a workshop again, I will mess around with it, for sure. Dumping the ROMs would be a good start!